Wise Fellas & Smart Gals
AdversityBelief and Faith
Do not be afraid to have a great enemy. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
City Slickers Selling Snake Oil
Selling “Cow Oil” or is it cow dung?Booker T. Washington stated: “Anyone can seek a job, but it requires a person of rare ability to create a job … What we should do in our schools is to turn out fewer job seekers and more job creators.”
Do City Slickers still sell Snake Oil?
Western Ramblings
Bad LandsBushwacker
Thats So Sixties
Male PlumageOnce Around the Pomade
Thar’s gold in them thar hills!
Sass Back
CO VID-19WuhanDeath for Horse Thieves?
Can you Spell Columbia, er,ah Colombia?Here Are All the Answers
The meaning of Life
I’m The ManOutlaw
In My Day
Are there more than two sexes?Gooey Tonic
Overheard at the Saloon
Bring in the CavalryDo Cheaters Prosper?
How ’bout Them Electric Cars?
Horse Thieves and Other Varmints
PunishmentUnemployment and Future Shock
Bite the Bullet
Corona virus comes to Glory USAStaying healthy in Glory U.S.A.
Staying healthy in Glory USA
Emily makes a good point. Garlic certainly will not cure infections. However, in Flu season, garlic breath might keep infected people at a safe distance. Whether garlic keeps vampires away is still debatable.
Jeffrey Kelly
Dear E.L., We don’t know what we don’t know. How do I get to know something? By my experience. And what’s gained from that is different from an opinion. Your comments are opinions to me, contrary to my experience. IO’ve experienced great results getting rid of virus, bugs, colds, germs, and more gargling with oregano oil. I trust my experience. Is it a result of the ‘poacebo effect?” I don’t care, however it works it works for me. Many other oils have great benefit is well–for example, Eucalyptus oil colds, respiratory issues like stuffed nose, Lavender oil for relaxation, sleep, pain relief, bites and skin rashes…, Tea Tree oil as an Antiseptic, antimicrobial, Frankincense Oil produces a measured reduction of brain wave activity (into alpha state)… The latest work in medicine in the epigenitics realm shows that perception can change physiology. In other words your belief and focus affects and alters measured results.
You might want to open up and do some research before limiting your results an experience with limiting beliefs.
Even sarsaparilla had it’s benefits, back in the old saloons.
You raise a lot of interesting points Ranger Terry. Emily is presently out on the plains digging up injun, er I mean, red men, er I mean native american artifacts. The old timer will alert her to your inquiry when she returns on or about 7/22